He Told Me I Wasn't Humble

In 2005 I enrolled in a preaching doctorate. It was me and 26 men.During my second year a classmate asked if we could talk. "Jackie, I hope you will take this the right way but I've noticed you're not very humble."That took me back a bit. I've never had someone say I wasn't humble. I just sat there stunned.So can we talk?  "What makes you say that?"He went on, "I have watched you in class and you feel the need to justify your being here." Then he said, "I want to give you a definition of humility. Breath it in and live it out."


The God given self-assurance that eliminates the need to prove to others the worth of who you are and the rightness of what you do.

Cause I suspect, like me, some of you need to hear this too. Sometimes, we women need to be reminded that God is okay with who we are and what we do.

Let's be humble women!