Questions You Ask?

I've been questioning my parenting. My youngest just graduated high school. I'm about to be an empty nester. I'm asking, "Did I mother well?"I've been questioning how I lived out my faith. My children are distant from their Christian heritage. I'm asking, "Did we help them see Jesus?"I've been questioning my future. I've left a secure job in ministry. I'm asking, "What is next Lord?" "How shall I live this second half?" I think questioning is quite revealing. I also think it's a form of humility. It has this sense of there being doubt. Like perhaps I don't know it all or do it all right. That perhaps I'm limited. That there are limitations to our humanity.It reminds me I need my God, a lot.  

  If you ask profound questions, you get profound answers.

If you ask shallow questions, you get shallow answers.

And if you ask no questions, you get no answers at all.
