God Do Something

We had a great conversation at our last salon. We talked about the dreams God has placed in us.

Man has God given these women some BIG dreams.

- Giving a voice to women and children who have none.- Giving a voice to men in prison.- Building a safe house for women who have been used and abused.- Developing a community where families, divorce', the marginalized live together.One woman said, "My heart is for young teenage boys who have no father's direction and to see them be disciples, poured into to rise above the void. For teenage girls to find their beauty and acceptance comes from the way the Lord views and cherishes them not in sex, body image, materialism or self proclaimed success."- Encouraging people...everywhere...all the time.                   - To help women in Africa heal from rape- To help children who are thrown in foster care.- To serve the Mexican community.- To help my family see Jesus in life's events.- To write a book about faith.- To write a thriller.- To help women heal and become whole through the God's Word. 
Lord, you shared your dream for humanity. "The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the LORD's favor has come." (Luke 6:18-19)You have placed your dream in these women's hearts. Lord help them. They can do nothing without you. Give them ideas, resources, people, perseverance, and trust to go forward. Lord give them YOU. May these women leave a mark for your name sake. May your kingdom come. Amen