Women Builders

I rarely re-read books but I'm re-reading Carolyn Custis James' book, Half the Church. I want to take time and grasp more deeply some of her thoughts about women (and men).Below are a few of her statements which I very much resinate."I believe the church of Jesus Christ should be first in line to champion the empowerment of women and girls throughout the world to become contributing members in their society. In fact, the community of God's people should be the epicenter of human flourishing...""God never envisioned a world where his image bearers would do life in low gear or be encouraged to hold back, especially when suffering is rampant, people are lost, and there is so much kingdom work to do." "I have sat in women's conferences where Christian women are soothed with messages telling them they matter, that God thinks they're beautiful, and that they need to carve out time alone with God. I'm all for encouragement and passionate about challenging women to go deeper in the study of God's Word. But that message must be accompanied by the call to step out, to engage this world, and to make it better for all. God created his daughters to be kingdom builders-to pay attention to what is happening around us, to take action and contribute." (Pg. 76)In so many ways this is our dream for The Marcella Project; to help women realize they are kingdom builders. For too long we've been told we are less, we've held back, even been lazy; we like leaving it up to our brothers, leaves us less accountable.But the world is dying and going straight to hell; we need all Christians, men and women, engaged. We women areezer warriors with our brothers. I guess I like that Carolyn doesn't allow us to excuse ourselves...that she challenges us to see ourselves for who we are and to live out our call..."to pay attention to what is happening around us, to take action and contribute."I know women who are living like this: Crystal Sprague,  My Refuge House Amy Goddard, Missional Business Owner  Jessie Risman, Exile International.

Krista, Missional Mom & Manager of The Marcella Project

What woman to do you know that is kingdom building? Share with us how it looks in her life. Where do you fit into Carolyn's statements? Are you a kingdom builder?