Why Aren't We Upset About Porn?

Why Aren't We Upset About Porn?

One of the hottest debates roaming the land of America is same sex marriage. As a by stander of this war I've often wondered why we Christians spend some much money, time and resources on this issue while others go unnoticed. I recognize the same sex issue hits at the core of Christians definition of marriage- a husband and a wife. What I hear from the evangelical side is something like, "Gay marriage will ruin the family institution as prescribed by God." Okay, Okay, I hear that... but it stills leaves me wondering. Why aren't we fighting against pornography the way we take up the cross against homosexuality?"According to a study at Brigham Young University, 87 percent of men have looked at some form of porn in the past year, and one in five help themselves to X-rated fare daily. Men like to look at naked chicks—no surprise there—but what is shocking is how quickly they can become dependent on those erotic images. A powerful pleasure cocktail of endorphins and epinephrine (hormones responsible for arousal and alertness) are released while a man watches porn, Parrott says. And that feeling can become addictive."http://www.womenshealthmag.com/sex-and-relationships/mens-sex-secretshttp://news.byu.edu/archive07-Dec-porn.aspxIt's not just college men who are doing it. Christianity Today published an article that stated, "Seventy percent of American men ages 18–34 view Internet pornography once a month. This shocking fact is one of many that CT consulting editor John W. Kennedy found during his research for this month's cover story, "Help for the Sexually Desperate" (page 28). Don't assume that porn isn't a problem in the church. One evangelical leader was skeptical of survey findings that said 50 percent of Christian men have looked at porn recently. So he surveyed his own congregation. He found that 60 percent had done so within the past year, and 25 percent within the past 30 days..."www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2008/march/20.7.htmlHere's my concern. Why aren't we going after the porn issue like we are the same sex issue?87% college men view porn60% Christian men view porn3-5%Estimated gay populationIt seems pornography is having a HUGE impact on our families. Is it also reeking havoc on the family unit? And wasn't God very concerned with sexuality immorality and objectification, etc...Surely these numbers sugest we have a problem of focus. I've often wondered if we avoid the issue of pornography because so many in power are actually doing it. Cynical I agree but if not then why? I have my thoughts but I'll leave the question to you.