The Pink Room

I have a question that is nagging me. Would love any feedback, ideas or facts that would help me understand.Last week I joined my husband Steve and friend Shawn in Utica NY. Their film RU was being featured in a film festival. While there I was able to take in a documentary called "The Pink Room." It was a short film on girls being sex trafficked in Cambodia. The pink room was a small, dark, dirty, light pink room upstairs in a brothel. It was a "special" room for virgins. A young virgin girl was a prize. She brought more money at least for the first time. They would take one of these girls, lock them in the room and wait. Wait for days. For an American who would pay for a virgin. They waited for an American man because he would pay the most. The girls interviewed were as young as FOUR. Yes, read that again, 4! They are having to sell younger and younger girls because of the DEMAND for them.Nope not done.This particular sex trafficking area, on the outskirts the city of Penam Penh, is known for being a place where men can have sex and torture the girls. The girls drew pictures of what happened to them. I won't go on...but it's sick.Here's my question. Why is it men fly all the way across the world to torture and rape a four year old? Not to be crass but that's expensive & extensive. And it's not just a few freaky men, there's tons. So what creates that? Where is that coming from? Why is it so?I'm just really trying to get my hands around this.I'm hoping there are some sociologists out there who can shed some light on it for me.PS. Let me also say there is great work being done by a couple from California. Ordinary couple who saw a need and sold their home, gave up their comfort, finances, retirement and moved there. Opened a home, school, counseling, community center. Great work. There's so so so much more to be done. I'm convicted by how I've lived in light of how they are living. But that's a whole other blog.