Homosexuality & The Fear of The Body


There's a whole lot of look over the Supreme Courts decisions on same-sex marriage. Lot's of rhetoric on both sides. But what's most interesting (and discouraging) is the fear Christians feel in voicing support for gay marriage or homosexuality as a choice (not sin). Why do we fear one another when we differ on interpretation or practice? I have to tell you if I weren't careful on keeping my eye on Jesus I could get very disillusioned with Christianity (not Christ but us!)As relate to Anne Lamott's sentiments when she quit Christianity in the Name of Christ:"My faith in Christ is central to my life. My conversion from a pessimistic atheist lost in a world I didn't understand, to an optimistic believer in a universe created and sustained by a loving God is crucial to me. But following Christ does not mean following His followers. Christ is infinitely more important than Christianity and always will be, no matter what Christianity is, has been, or might become."Today I read this post of which much resonated with my soul. Would love for you to read it and share your response, nicely!I love gay people and I love Christians, I choose all. I particularly love the paragraph where she said, "The point is – if you’re hungry – you are all welcome at my table. None of you is less welcome than the other. This place is a banquet table for gays and straights and prudes and hoochies and cheerleaders and tuba players and pharisees and alpha moms and slacker moms and tax collectors and fishermen and choir girls and heathens. It’s a banquet table where people who are different can come together and share a meal and maybe not change each other’s minds, but possibly soften each other’s hearts."The idea of offering a seat at table - that breaking bread and drinking wine might soften our hearts - Yes, Yes, Yes.My friend, Meredith Wheeler, wrote something similar:"With the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage there has been hateful rhetoric on both sides. The decision is for discussion another day. I was reminded of it, however, when reading Ephesians 3:6 and Paul speaks if the gospel.He says, "this mystery (that is the gospel) is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel."Paul says the mystery of the gospel, the stunner, the counter-culture message, the prejudice breaker is that those we regard as least likely candidates for the love and mercy of God are in fact every bit as precious to God as we are. They are deemed precious. Those we consider as repugnant, undeserving, beneath us, our enemy those are objects of God's wild affection. Our sin is not ignored. Note I did not say their sin, I said our sin is the great alienator but the gospel is the restorer of creation design.To close the loophole of those who say well to be Gentile deals with ethnic difference, actually Gentile was a category that included culture, practices, beliefs."I'm deeply concerned that I'm part of a community (body of Christ) that can't study, question, doubt or disagree without fear of retribution? Seriously? How can we do this well-in a way that makes Jesus look as good as he is?