Wine, Women & Jesus

The first time I attended a women's Bible study I sat in the back hoping not be noticed. As a new Christian I was trying to figure out Jesus and the last thing I wanted was mingle with "those Christian women." To be honest I found Christians to be a bit weird. Sometimes I still do.But it was in that women's Bible study I met Jesus -not as Savior, I had already met him as Savior - but as the lover of my soul. This woman Bible teacher spoke the Scriptures from her female experience to mine - deep to deep. And I listened and wrestled - ALOT. Slowly my life changed. Jesus and I became close. And somewhere along the way I came to value the importance of women teaching women. There's just something to it.Back then I had no idea I would stand before women speaking Scriptures from my female experience to theirs. To this day I have no idea how many women have listened -and wrestled -and been changed through our Bible studies. That's God's to know.But I do know there's nothing like it. When women find their voice and see their female story in God's bigger story. It's life altering.So ... we continue to teach -women to women.We would love for you to join us. And if you're like I was- afraid of weird Christian women- feel free to take a seat in the back - listen, wrestle - just be with Jesus- we're good with that. Or maybe you need candid conversations with your friends -come, regardless of where you are at come ... it is worth it.