Tribal Ones

My whole extended family lives  near each other in a small town in Upstate NY. Every Sunday night they gather at mom's to eat Depot pizza. They are tribal. They live tribal. Many times I've thought they live more like what I see Biblical community to be in the Bible than most Christians. Kind of odd if you think about it. One of the reasons my daughter Madison chose to go to college in Vermont was because she wanted to experience everyday life with her extended family. The birthdays, carving pumpkins, Thanksgiving meal and just every day stuff like going to the Saturday market. (Picture below) She and her fiancée Stu make trips to my mom's house several times out of their school year. I'm grateful Stu is not only willing but embraces the zany ness of my extended family.oneonta My sister Michele her husband John and their two little boys all live with my mom. Before Michele moved in my mom had gotten so she didn't eat very well. Why bother cooking for one. I worried about her living alone. So I was grateful when Michele and her family moved in. Michele and John are great cooks. Now my mom sits down to a gourmet meal most nights. This week Michele and I planned a brisket and baked bean dinner. Brother Jay called and suggested we all gather to eat at his house. So we packed up the food and off we went. My other siblings showed up too.  We hung out, ate, told stories on each other, laughed and played with the young ones. Below is Madison and my mom looking over the "American Doll" magazine. Oh how I remember looking over that magazine with Madi when she was young. Now here she is now looking at it with her cousin McKenna. Life is good when you have loved ones to share it with. Life is good when you live

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