Redemptive Moments


I had several asks.Of God.One being...Redemption for Hunter.Since he was six my son Hunter has traveled the globe. (Calcutta India, China, Israel, Spain, Rwanda, Congo, Uganda, Egypt - just to name a few) Yup, I meant it when I said he's traveled! When he was 14 we took him and his siblings to Sudan (what is now South Sudan). At 15 he returned with Bill Buchanan to work on a film about women's empowerment. When he graduated high school he headed to East Africa to establish internet cafes. hunt1_0110His last trip to Africa wasn't a good one. He was extremely lonely. Got deathly sick. No one there to take him to the ER. He was robbed on the border of Uganda. I could go on but you get the point - it was hard. He left Africa with a bad taste in his mouth.Alas; my prayer for a redemptive moment.This past week Hunter accompanied our team to Yei, South Sudan. I got to watch redemption happen- over and over again.Hunter connected with the people in a beautiful way. It was obvious they loved him and he loved them.solarstationI saw him work on the problems hindering the solar station (the place where people get their cell phones charged).He sat at a meeting with Mark and Steve, asking and offering great suggestions about the future of Water is Basic. waterhuntHe gave blood at Harvester's hospital so women and children could live. (He hates giving blood but did it anyway.)Basically, I watched God redeem my son's heart for Africa and for those in need.Who gets to see that first hand. I did!