Life Is In The Blood


"According to the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." (Hebrews 9: 22 Holman Christian Standard Bible)There's life in the blood. Literally, figuratively, spiritually.Christ gave his blood so we could live.It makes sense we would do the same. Literally, figuratively, spiritually.jbloodWe gave our blood, while in South Sudan. We gave so women and their babies could have a chance at life. Giving blood is a big deal in this tribal area. One doesn't give their blood because it might be given to a person from another tribe. Or giving blood might expose one's body to demons.  Or it might actually save the life of one's wife. The blood at His House of Hope Hospital is given to women who have complications during childbirth. Some husband's resist giving their blood because they prefer that their wife die. It makes taking another more financially feasible.  So they don't give. And she dies. So we gave our blood.I'm thankful for the blood. Today sits between the first and second week of Advent where we celebrate salvation which came through the shedding of Christ's blood. Without it we wouldn't be alive. Thankful for the blood. Mine, yours, hers but mostly His.