The Dirty Word


2986582_300The Marcella Project hosts Bible study in wineries because there are women who want to know Jesus but won't darken the door of a church.This spring we decided to spice it up a bit by offering a trilogy. Instead of studying one topic or book of the Bible we're doing one Salon (a gathering of women who have an informed conversation about spiritual issues that impact women's lives) then a four week Bible study called At Wisdom's Feet then another Salon opportunity.Our first salon will be on that dirty word: submission. We offer women an extensive PDF which allows them to do their own research prior to joining the conversation. We would love for you to have this information also. Download Here.Feel free to dialogue with us on Facebook or on the upcoming blogs.To give you an idea of what we read, watch and listen to here's Shane Farmer (Willow Creek) discussing the issue of headship and submission. 
