Vote for My Next School Endeavor


I'm going back to school. I don't need another degree but I do need knowledge and connections. As I've stated before I'm asking the question, "How can the Gospel assist in bringing social change to areas where gender injustice exists." In order to answer the question I need both a theological lens (of which I have) and a gender lens (which I don't have.)So, I'm going back to school to attain a gender justice/social change lens. I'm also hoping by putting myself in this field I will make connections with other organizations and NGO's fighting for the ennobling of women.I thought it might be fun to see how you would vote. Which would you pick? And who knows a few of you might get spurred on by the list and join me. (Perhaps I'll see you in class!)university-clip-art-276x300MA in Sociology at American University with a concentration in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies.MA in Women, Gender and Social Justice at the University of Dublin. MA in Liberal Studies at SMU with a concentration in Gender.Oh yeah, don't forget to tell why you voted for a specific program.