Happy 26th

Twenty six years ago, on January 23rd, 1988 Steve and I said, "We do." It's been one hell of a ride. (All who know my husband understand what I mean! He's one adventurous, intense, visionary, creative being.) Over the past 26 years we've traveled the country in a van, moved to Dallas to attend school (and stayed), ended up in ministry (never saw that coming), had three kids (3 1/2 and under, didn't see that either!), took our kids to dangerous areas of the world (I freaked and Steve loved it!), and as of today Steve has his own home in South Sudan and I'm heading back to school again. Just mentioning a few ... it's been a ride.photo 1Last night Steve and I arrived home at 6 PM to find Steve's brother Rick and our daughter Madison cooking us a great meal.  We had fig & purple endive salad with currant dressing, some Indian dish and winter pear salad with blue cheese, walnuts and pomegranate. There was a choice of white or red wine and our friend Amy brought M & M's for dessert. We ended the night with a good card game (Steve won!)

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