Update On My Next School Endeavor


I few months back I shared with you that I’m going back to school. I don’t need another degree but I do need knowledge and connections. As I’ve stated before I’m asking the question, “How can the Gospel assist in bringing social change to areas where gender injustice exists.” In order to answer the question I need both a theological lens (of which I have) and a gender lens (which I don’t have.)So, I’m going back to school to attain a gender justice/social change lens. I’m also hoping by putting myself in this field I will make connections with other organizations and NGO’s fighting for the ennobling of women.photo 3I asked you to vote on which school you would pick. Some chose Dublin because it was an international experience, others American University because of its strategic location but most of you voted for SMU (because it keeps me local :). I appreciate the love.Since so many of you have inquired I thought I'd give an update. I have been accepted to SMU and will hear from AU in the upcoming weeks. I decided to drop my application to Dublin - Steve and I decided we weren't up for the cold.I've been quiet about it because I want to give Jesus time to tell me rather than me tell him. So that's where I am for now. I will keep you posted. Thanks for caring.Oh yeah, I'm heading to the National Prayer Breakfast in D.C. and hope to bump into some other men and women interested in gender justice. Pray I would be alert to what God is doing and able to connect with others.