Quiet Grief


I've been quiet because I'm grieving.Grieving over what the Scripture says about community and how we, the Church, fail so miserably.This past Sunday I attended a baby dedication. It was the dedication of the pastor's son. As I listened and attuned my heart I realized we, the church, aren't honest. We, the congregation, make statements (committments before Christ) as to how we will undergird and support the parents as well as the child. It's hog wash. Oh we do it to some extent. But when crisis hits, well actually we show up when crisis hits but what about when family conflict happens? My kids were pastor's kids. I'm grieving for them because when conflict happened the family fled. My mother's heart grieves.I'm grieving over what the Scripture says about love, unity, mercy and grace and how we, as a family,  fail so miserably.World Vision. Need I say more. Pete Briscoe, in his Sunday sermon said we've used our computers to feel free to bring evil to our brothers and sisters. Oh, how true that is. Yesterday Steve was with the pain stricken Rick Stearns, President of World Vision, and again I am reminded of how vicious the church can be towards its own. As a sister in Christ I'm grieving.I hope I never become so insensitive that I can't grieve. Jesus wept. I am weeping.I'm grateful for the Lenten season. I need a time to mourn sin. Mine. Yours. Theirs. And ours - the Church.Oh Church, I believe in you. I love you. But oh - how I grieve over us.