You Can Make a Difference


A few simple suggestions given at the 2nd Annual Gender Justice Film Festival

You too can do to make a difference in the lives of sexually exploited girls and women.1. Support the Strengthening the Child Welfare Response to Trafficking Act of 2013.2. Contact Mike Gwartney, volunteer at NFNL, and to learn how to initiate change in your company's HR policies. i.e. New Friends New Life commission the HR Initiative

“Employees are strictly prohibited from viewing pornography, sending pornographic jokes or stories via email, or attending sexually oriented businesses in connection with company business.  The company will not reimburse employees for such activities.  Employees will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment, for engaging or participating in such sexually oriented activities.”

IMG_6533By the way -  the proceeds from the Gender Justice Film Festival, $1060.00 went to NFNL. Together we can make a difference in the lives of sexually exploited girls and women. (I'm not the best photo taker but we loved our time at the film festival. And a shout out to John Thorpe and his fellow police officers for taking their night out to talk with us.)