Things We Get To Do in 2015


January 1st is the beginning of a new year - desires and dreams dance in our heads - new starts - fresh beginnings. Anticipation and excitement jiggle within. It's a time when we set goals and schedules and plan new adventures.As I share some of my adventures with you I'm mindful of what James said, "Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” (James 4:13-16)As I share about The Marcella Project's spring/summer schedule I do so with this caveat, "if the Lord wills then we shall do this or that" - He gets to decide what actually happens in and through our lives.  So here's a few things planned - if the Lord wills.January: Send out book proposal for Painting the Pulpit PinkHost a salon imageson homosexuality in AustinSpeak at a women's event in Montgomery TexasWomen, Wine & Jesus start back up in Dallas and AustinTrain women in The Basics Course - Grand Rapids, MichiganPreach on Sunday in Grand Rapids MichiganTeach a women's conference in HoustonCelebrate our 27th anniversary at our lake houseA hair cut - a pound lighter when I leave the salon February: Board meeting - introduce two new members from Austin - say images-3goodbye to some of the original launch boardContinue teaching and chatting with women at our Women, Wine & Jesus (develop a team of teachers for the bible studies)Back to Grand Rapids Michigan to listen to women present their sermonsHopefully finish writing the last two chapters of my book March: Train women to teach the bible effectively in the Dallas area  (The Basics Course)Attend the UN Commission on Women in NYCFinish up bible studies Women, Wine & JesusHost Salon in both Dallas and AustinGenderJustice_BannerHost our 3rd annual Gender Justice Film Festival in Dallas (Austin bound next year!)Teach at a women's conference in Austin April: Back to listen to women deliver sermons from the Basics Course in Dallas areaimages-2Teach at a women's conference in TylerDo something with our new book Painting the Pulpit PinkStart researching and writing curriculum for upcoming fall of 2015 (I've had several ideas floating around in my head - Lord willing, it's time to get them down on paper) May: Host our first annual Summit in the hill country (Austin)2015MarcellaSummitGraphicTrain women in teaching the Bible effectively in Dallas area (The Basics Course)Visit my daughter Madison in Chile (study abroad program)Continue to research and develop teaching material (So stinking excited about these ideas dancing in my head!) June: Write, Write, Writeimgres-1Reorganize Salon materials so they can be used as a discussion tool around the dining room tablePray, Pray, Pray (a set aside season of rest with Jesus)Attend the Summit in Washington D.C. July: Travel to Africa - meet with those I was supposed to meet with this past Child-brideNovember - discern partnerships with organizations that ennoble women and girls in East Africa.Write, Write, WriteVisit my son Hunter in Jordan (study aboard program) At New's Years Day mass Pope Francis reminded us all: “All of us are called [by God] to be free, all are called to be sons and daughters, and each, according to his or her own responsibilities, is called to combat modern forms of enslavement. From every people, culture and religion, let us join our forces."Let us join our forces and ennoble women.- Through Scripture-based teaching, training and dialogue - Jesus will transform the way women view themselves and the way the faith community views women so that His Church can change what's happening to women and girls around the globe.Jesus, "We ask you to give us complete knowledge of your will and to give us spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way we live will always honor and please you Lord, and our lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, we will grow as we learn to know you better and better.We also pray that we will be strengthened with all your glorious power so we will have all the endurance and patience we need." (Colossians 1:9-11)imgresOh one last thing - in the fall, if the Lord wills, I will celebrate my 50th birthday. (Yes Krista on October 20th I will finally be able to say I'm fifty.)Any suggestions for the celebration?