Sunglasses and Spiritual Toxins


I live 10 minutes from the DFW airport therefore I rarely find myself flying out of Love Field. But - here I am heading to Houston to teach. And I'm shocked at the changes from the last time I flew out of here. WOW. NICE. I think I even see a pair of sunglasses worth buying.mulher-7I'm flying to Houston to meet with a small group of women leaders. We'll meet at a woman's home and spend several hours walking through our Marcella Salon material on female friendships. I long for women to understand why we compete and compare and the impact of doing so. Not only on us as individual women but as a collective group. Women can do a great work for Jesus when they join hands and collaborate.The next day I speak at their women's conference. Four message on spiritual toxins - things that keep us from wholeness. Fear. Envy. Biblical Illiteracy. Un-forgiveness.That's a lot of biblical material to cover in one day. It's a LOT to listen to ... even more to digest.Sure would appreciate your prayers. I fly home that evening. Love Field isn't big - I'll be able to get to my car quickly. And maybe even get those sunglasses.