Saying Goodbye Is Hard


IMG_0017This weekend we said goodbye to our lake house. Ten years ago we purchased this tiny lake house (cabin) on a lake (really a large pond). It wasn't a place for our kids - no motor boats allowed - just fishing. It was a Menuha house. Menuha is a Hebrew term which means:“To the biblical mind menuha is the same as happiness IMG_0044and stillness and peace and harmony. The word with which Job described the state after life he was longing for is derived from the same root as menuha.  It is the state wherein man lies still, wherein the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest. It is the state in which there is no strife and no fighting, no fear and distrust. The essence of the good life is menuha. ‘The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside still waters.’ (the waters of menuhot) In later times menuha became a synonym for the life in the world to come, for eternal life.” fire lakeSteve and I have served as full-time ministers and having a place to get away - to Menuha - was ... well, words can't express.  And the beauty was, our Menuha cabin was for so many others too. So many of those who were sold out to Jesus (and needed a place of rest) found it at our little Fly -In -Lake place. This weekend (while Steve served those in the Congo) my kids and I and our house mate, Amy, packed up and moved out of our Menuha house. It was hard. I cried, snot running cry, as the U-haul pulled out of the tree tunnel (those who've been will know what I'm referring.) UGH. It was about a year ago that I buried our family dog at this cabin - today I left him behind. Saying goodbye is hard. Even when it's right and good - it's hard to say goodbye. 2005 -2015 Menuha -Thanks for the 10 years of memories.1909355_10152750787967279_5780708772805335574_o