Boiling Passion: A Movement of the Spirit


There have been several times in life when God boldly spoke to me about the work he had for me to do.There was the time I heard over and over and over again. PREACH THE WORD. PREACH THE WORD, PREACH THE WORD. Yes, loud like that. Not audibly, but loud in the bowls of my soul. (He keep speaking 2 Timothy 4:2) So I put a stake in the ground. I would preach.  I would let go of other things and focus on preaching his Word. You could say that was God hemming me in. (Psalm 139) "Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching." (2 Tim. 4:2)The next time was when God let me know I would be preaching from the pulpit. I distinctly remember when he brought it up. It literally made me gasp. I didn't want to do it. I was hoping it wasn't him speaking, that I had misheard or something. But no. It was him. And he was clear.  There was a movement of his Spirit to elevate his women and girls and my preaching from the pulpit was a small part of that movement.DSC_1003It's been almost a decade since that last "call" and I'm hearing God boldly speak again. It happens in multiple ways, it's like he keeps saying the same thing to me from different directions, just in case I want to dismiss it or ignore it. He won't let me. For example, I was listening to Eugene Cho speak on women and he read from Exodus 3 and my spirit was quickened. I heard the Spirit whisper, "set my women (and men) free from bondage." He's been speaking for several years but now he's heating things up. He's asking me to be all in. Go the mile. Put a stake in the ground. How do I know? Because my DSC_1004insides are boiling again. It's this passion thing that wakes me up, pushes me during the day, it almost makes me feel like I can't stop until his work is done - whatever and whenever that is. Exodus 3. God hears the cry of his people. He sees their oppression. Set them free. Set them free. Set them free.Lime Green is the beginning of what he's wanting to talk about to his Church. Men and women are in bondage to the spoken and unspoken messages about manhood and womanhood. It's keeping us from being unapologetically who God made us to be and it's keeping the Blessed Alliance (men and women) from working together for God's Kingdom. One of the things I hear God saying is we need a new way, a network of men and women who offer a theological and biblical way out of the stalemate we are in, a new way to live out our calling as brothers and sisters. What would happen if we linked arms, what kind of kingdom impact could we have? And have you ever wondered why men and women have been at war since Gen. 3? Is it possible that men and women allied is God's weapon against evil and his method for kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.  There's a fly-wheel happening. A movement of the Spirit. So here we go again. Hanging out with God is a ride for sure.Steve sent me these pictures of a discussion we had last night. And when I saw them I got that boil in the belly. It's this passion, a God passion arising within. There's a movement of the Spirit and God has given me the privilege of being a part of it.DSC_0986