What's Your Next Move?


On an impulse, I decided I'd jump in for a swim in the Chesapeake. What I hadn't considered was how I'd get back into my kayak. Since I wasn't able to pull myself up into the boat I decided to simply grab on and ...well, I wasn't sure. I guess I'd just keep hanging on. My son pulled up along side and humorously asked, "Mom, what's your next move?"  I burst out laughing; I didn't have one. Thank goodness he had more of a plan than me. I'd pull up on his board and from there get into my kayak. Over the past several days I've found myself chuckling at this silly episode. Tonight I woke in the middle of the night chuckling except for this time, my thoughts led to Jesus. How many times in life have I impetuously jumped out of the boat giving no thought as to how I'd get back in? Oh my, the conversation the trinity must have while I cling to that boat. I suspect Jesus finds it as humorous as my son did. And here he comes, Jesus, he pulls up alongside calmly without condemnation but a snicker in his tone and asks, "What's your next move?"  Then he gently suggests I pull myself up onto his paddle board so I can then get myself back into my kayak.

What's your next move? It's funny and it's sobering.