Resources for the role of women and Men

The Marcella Project is committed to ennobling women through Scripture-based teaching, training, and dialogue. If you desire to know where we "stand" in our theological understanding of men and women, you can read our materials and/or refer to Carolyn Custis James' description of what it means to be the "Blessed Alliance."

Because of our mission, we are often asked for resources pertaining to the role of women in the Church and home. Those requests tend to come from complementarians who desire to study "the other side of the story," hence the focus of the resources suggested.  The following resources are written by orthodox Bible scholars who hold to the high authority of Scripture. May the Lord bless your inquiry as you dig, study, discern, and pray.  



How BENT TREE made room for women

Something is known when we are physically present with one another. People become human, not just public targets. Being present with other human beings matters. Being with forms and informs us. Seeing my brothers, hearing their deep male voices declare with gut-level conviction, "Women, we want you. We need you. You make us better." - it cut to the core of my image-bearing humanity. They moved over. They made room. They gave up power to empower those without power. If you want to know what "biblical manhood" looks like - here it is. - Jackie Roese

The future of leadership at bent tree

Pastor Pete Briscoe is a world-renowned Bible teacher. He leads Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in Carrollton, Texas. He is featured, along with his parents Pastors Stuart and Jill Briscoe, on TellingtheTruth.org.  Pete's compelling Bible exposition is always solid theology with engaging application. Take some time to listen to the humility of this pastor and follow along as he leads you through a solid Biblical explanation for women leading in the Church. - Jackie Roese

* Be sure to take note of his reference to how we choose foundational passages and the impact of those choices.


Materials from The Marcella Project

available through TheMarcellaProject.com


Salon on Role of Women and Men

Salon on Submission 


Lime Green: Reshaping Our View of Women in the Church

Speaking & Training    

Invite Jackie and her team to speak on the Scriptures, invisible gender constructs and practical ways to begin to reshape your view of women in the Church. 

Recommended Reading

Deeper Reading