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I'm Enough is a "must read" for any woman wanting to better understand her role in our world as God sees it. Women are created by God as equal to men and charged with ruling over the earth side by side with them. However, multiple obstacles stand in the way of women arriving at their place within this division vision. Drawing on biblical texts, Jackie skillfully explains this truth in a personable, easy to understand manner.


SHE CAN TEACH: empowering women to teach the scriptures effectively

Conservative evangelical women are least likely to be trained in the areas of teaching and preaching. It's a tragic state of affairs, given the central value that our tradition places on the Scriptures. In this book, Jackie Roese examines the forces, both past and present, that have discouraged women from becoming trained. We'll discover that women are indeed called, gifted, and mandated in Scripture to herald the Word of God. The first half of the book will focus on encouraging women to become as fully equipped as our male counterparts, and to use their uniquely female voice in proclaiming truth to other women in various settings outside pulpit preaching. But encouragement isn't enough.

Many women who already teach Bible studies, or who desire to teach, are in no position to pursue formal studies in a seminary. To that end, the second half of She Can Teach is dedicated to developing homiletic skills. Together we will learn how to study a passage, find the main idea, and build and deliver a biblical message. By the end of this book, the reader will be better equipped to proclaim truth, through her uniquely female voice, to her female audience.



Each of us, in our own shade of color, says something unique about who God is to the world around us. God didn’t give specific colors to specific genders. It’s one big color wheel, and gender isn’t in the equation. How does our embracing our authentic color – unapologetically who we are – controlled by the Spirit, impact our view of women in conservative faith communities? Lime Green helps answer that question. 

This a story about Jackie Roese, a clueless farm girl who stumbled into vocational Christian work. Jackie bumped into walls, crossed invisible lines, and ultimately reshaped her view of women—and her church’s view, too. This book doesn't make the case for women to preach or lead in the church. Rather, it shares this is one woman’s story of stumbling and bumping to reveal a way, a path with all its rocks, hills, and smooth road, to help others find their footing in reshaping the way we view women in the Church. 



The authors take a fresh look at the gender debate in the church. Rather than roles, the authors examine the Scriptural emphasis on relationships, specifically brother-sister type relationships based on love, humility, and mutuality. Instead of defining structured roles for men and women as argued by complementarian or egalitarian positions, this "relationarian" approach can be lived out in the existing structures of any culture. Focusing on relationships can enable the church to move beyond the divisions of the gender debate. Rather than two camps, complementarian and egalitarian, we can be unified in one camp by focusing on the type of relations that are an attractive missional witnesses to the world.



An Informed Conversation

A salon is a gathering of women who have an informed conversation about spiritual issues that impact their lives. Email Jackie for further info or to purchase the salon discussion you’d like to host in your home. Remember, you don’t need to be an expert on the subject, it’s just an informed conversation with friends. Chat, learn, and enjoy.


  • Submission

  • Body Image

  • Homosexuality

  • Female Sexuality

  • Female Friendships

  • Unleash the Dream

  • Can Men and Women Be Friends?

  • The Role of Men and Women in Marriage

  • Why Aren't Men As Spiritually Engaged?

  • Single Women in the Church

Do you live in Dallas or Austin area?

Would you like to hire Jackie to come and host a salon? Jackie is excellent at leading women through informed conversations about spiritual issues that impact us women. Contact

A great discussion with women, wine and pizza!

A great discussion with women, wine and pizza!

If you can't make it to an event in person, purchase the salon document and have a discussion in your own home. Let's get the conversations started! 





Over the past twenty years of working with women, regardless of location, education, or station in life, there’s been a common thread: women tend to have a low view of themselves. Our go-to story is “not enough” but God says “you’re enough.” You are his image bearer, a one of a kind never to be seen again in history woman who is made on purpose for a purpose.

Instead of living in our own skin, we are constantly living in the “I’m not enough” narrative. This online I’m Enough Masterclass is about women learning how to live confidently in their own skin.

The I’m Enough Masterclass is not your typical women’s bible study. The class includes Scripture, sociology, gender, history, and theology ­as well as years of experience in challenging women to embrace God’s truth about who they are.

I’m Enough Masterclass is my life’s work and the legacy I leave to my daughter and her generation! 

In this course you’ll discover: 

  1. You’re a one of a kind never to be seen again in history image bearer

  2. You were made on purpose for a purpose.

  3. You bring something unique to this world – something we desperately need.

  4. Your worth is not found in your body being thin or sexy.

  5. You need your sisters in Christ to cheer you on.

  6. The world is better when you bring your full potential to life’s table.



Register for the I’m Enough Master Class - 6 online classes designed for you to go at your own pace.

Do you prefer a structured studied? If so, then join our 10-week I’m Enough Master Class. After a year of testing with over 100 women, I have devised a weekly detailed schedule that allows you to go at a steady pace and finish strong.  

Just want to dip your toes in? Take class one and learn what it means to be made in God’s image. 



In the summer of 2018, I felt this push from God to write my thoughts, experiences, and my non-stop study down. It’s as if God was saying to me, “Put down what I have shown you, just put it down!”

For six months I labored over the words and chapters in this book. This book is my life work between two covers. I wrote it because I believe God desires for us women to find our voice, to wrestle with the “not enough narrative” we’ve been handed and let him change it. In other words, I believe God wants you and me to LIVE CONFIDENTLY IN OUR OWN SKIN.



Course Structure

FIRST WEEKEND (Friday evening & all day Saturday): The first part of the course is dedicated to teaching Bible study methods. Women will learn how to observe, interpret and apply a biblical passage. Then they will begin practicing to find the main idea of a passage (the author’s original intent to the original audience). Once the main idea is found we discover how to take the ancient text to our modern-day audience. 

IN BETWEEN: Over the next several weeks women work on preparing their message. Each woman has a date of completion for finding the main idea and an outline. She sends message to instructor via email for help & feedback. The full manuscript is sent to the instructor by a specified date. Again the instructor will review and work with the student until she is ready to deliver the message.

RETURNING WEEKEND (Saturday only): Women teach their 20-minute message in front of the class. The teachers and classmates will give constructive feedback on delivery.

She Can Teach Course

Dr. Jackie Roese developed and fine-tuned She Can Teach during her doctoral education under the tutelage of Dr. Haddon Robinson at Gordon-Conwell Seminary. Jackie has been taught the course, formerly known as Basics 101, for over a decade to women from different demographics and denominations. The course is designed to be intimate and hands-on. While working in community women learn how to study, prepare and deliver an effective 20-minute biblical message. Through She Can Teach, The Marcella Project is giving women the confidence and skills they need to effectively proclaim God’s Word.

Is It For Me?

  • You would like to teach but don’t know how to begin.

  • You teach the bible but have no training.

  • You have had some training but need further development.

  • You would like to fine-tune your skills.

  • You want to develop relationships with other women who teach.


Want your community to learn?

Contact us to inquire about offering She Can Teach at your church or in your community or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out! 

Want your message Reviewed?

Jackie is an expert at crafting life forming biblical messages. When Jackie reviews a message she looks for your knowledge of the passage and your specific audience. Did you catch your audience’s objection? Did you share too much or hold back too much? Did you capture their attention? Did you challenge them to action? Were you clear and concise? Did the message flow? Did it inspire? Was Jesus invited into your process? How did the Holy Spirit work through you?

Hiring Jackie to review your message will enable you to teach effectively with confidence. Let’s journey together; becoming excellent teachers of God’s Word.



Resources for the role of women and Men

The Marcella Project is committed to ennobling women through Scripture-based teaching, training, and dialogue. If you desire to know where we "stand" in our theological understanding of men and women, you can read our materials and/or refer to Carolyn Custis James' description of what it means to be the "Blessed Alliance."

Because of our mission, we are often asked for resources pertaining to the role of women in the Church and home. Those requests tend to come from complementarians who desire to study "the other side of the story," hence the focus of the resources suggested.  The following resources are written by orthodox Bible scholars who hold to the high authority of Scripture. May the Lord bless your inquiry as you dig, study, discern, and pray.  



How BENT TREE made room for women

Something is known when we are physically present with one another. People become human, not just public targets. Being present with other human beings matters. Being with forms and informs us. Seeing my brothers, hearing their deep male voices declare with gut-level conviction, "Women, we want you. We need you. You make us better." - it cut to the core of my image-bearing humanity. They moved over. They made room. They gave up power to empower those without power. If you want to know what "biblical manhood" looks like - here it is. - Jackie Roese

The future of leadership at bent tree

Pastor Pete Briscoe is a world-renowned Bible teacher. He leads Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in Carrollton, Texas. He is featured, along with his parents Pastors Stuart and Jill Briscoe, on  Pete's compelling Bible exposition is always solid theology with engaging application. Take some time to listen to the humility of this pastor and follow along as he leads you through a solid Biblical explanation for women leading in the Church. - Jackie Roese

* Be sure to take note of his reference to how we choose foundational passages and the impact of those choices.


Materials from The Marcella Project

available through


Salon on Role of Women and Men

Salon on Submission 


Lime Green: Reshaping Our View of Women in the Church

Speaking & Training    

Invite Jackie and her team to speak on the Scriptures, invisible gender constructs and practical ways to begin to reshape your view of women in the Church. 

Recommended Reading

Deeper Reading


It all started when…I know I'm weary too. The pandemic, racial unrest, polarizing politics, I'm tempted to put my head in the sand, except I can't because of him. Jesus! Jesus has asked you and me to engage, influence, and shape his world.

So we keep going. 

We're hosting 3 book discussions by 3 female authors who are tackling our day's challenging topics. A safe space to learn, think, question, and share thoughts and insights. My prayer is that by engaging in these conversations, we will look more like Jesus.

What will you get? 

A skilled facilitator to lead us through a safe, informed, thought-provoking discussion. 

Discussion questions and other resources (articles, podcasts, blogs) will further aid our insight, understanding, and conversation. 

Experience in civil discourse around difficult topics in a way that honors Jesus. 

One-offs are $15. 

Join all 3! Book Discussion Bundle $30.

Register here for individual discussions: 

Jesus and John Wayne - September 29th, 7-8:30 PM (CST)

Finding God in the Margins - October 27th, 7-8:30 PM (CST)

Be the Bridge - December 1st, 7-8:30 PM (CST) 

Register here for all 3 book discussions: