I Need to See Jesus

Sometimes I fail at making Jesus look as good as he is. I suspect you do too. Most of the time no one really notices other than the few who are around at the time. But some Christians have large platforms and when they fail the world sees. And the world cries out against Christians and Christianity.Perhaps when we fail it's God's way of keeping us from looking at people as the standard of Christianity. Who are we suppose to look at in order to have a proper view of God and his movement in history? Who are we suppose to look at to understand who we are and how we fit into this story in which we find ourselves?We are to look to JESUS. (If you've heard me speak then be sure to read his name as it's to be said...Jeeeeesus. :)John 1:18, "No one has ever seen God. but the one and only Son is himself God and is near to the Father's heart. He has revealed God to us."This is the first time in ten years that I'm not teaching in a women's bible study. No teaching. Kind of feels weird. Instead, I'll be spending the semester studying and writing another bible study series for January 2013. Our hope is to launch two bible studies in January, one in the Lakewood area and one in the Coppell/Grapevine area.I've been praying about what to teach. What I'm leaning towards is teaching on Jesus. There's an idea.I need a new, refreshed vision of God and what I'm doing here in this world. That means I've gotta look at Jesus. I want to revisit and teach again on who he is, what he said, what he lived and died for and figure out how that has anything to do with me as a woman in Dallas in 2013. I need a renewed vision of Him.Jesus, I think we'll talk about Jesus. After all He is the only one who can reveal God to us.

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