What Did You Learn About Sex?

We asked some women the question, "What did the church communicate to you about sex?" Check out their answers.It is dirty toMen its ok, women its not.no sex until marriedGood girls aren’t sexual.Don’t talk about it.Wait then you should enjoy it don’t do it...at ALL!!It has consequences.It’s a woman's dutyShhhhOooooowomen are less sexual than men it’s just gone.sex in marriage is wonderfulSex is bad.You are dirty and slutty if u even think about it.Sex without the intent of procreation is wrong.Wait Stay away from sex.STAY STRONGSex is equated with worldlinessJust keep studying the Bible and the urges will go away.feelings are sinful and your husband...no one else.that if you think or desire sex there is something wrong with you.that you are not sexualif I had premarital sex until you are married then I would go to hellHow would you respond? Perhaps we need a new way of talking about our sexuality. Tonight.. my house...The Marcella salon...a discussion around wine, food and friends on female sexuality.http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventoeidk=a07e6cbur76abbe6bfd&llr=brq4tmkab 

BlogJackieSex, Sexuality, Women1 Comment