Same Sex Relationships

Mark your calendar and join our salon conversation on homosexuality November 14th at the Cross Timbers Winery, Grapevine. 

I was seated at a round table with about ten other adults. It was our churches' quarterly "newcomers coffee," a fun evening of getting to know the pastor and the church. For the first half of the night my table did that "uncomfortable get to know each other" thing. Then a woman on my left leaned in and asked where the church stood on homosexuality. Specifically she wanted to know if she and her partner were "allowed" membership.When the question was presented to our pastor he confirmed that our church believed homosexuality was a sin however that did not preclude anyone from attending the church. Membership...hum...we're not sure...See I've found taking a position is easier than how it plays out, the practice.I remember one Sunday morning after the service being approached by a woman who wanted to know if she was "allowed" to take communion. She was a believer. The tradition of our church is any believer may partake at the Lord's table. She was a believer and a lesbian. As a lesbian Christian can she partake?And what about the question of service...can a believing homosexual serve in church? What about if their child becomes friends with your child in the nursery...will you all go to McDonald's on a play date?Maybe you have taken a position, many aren't sure, regardless we ought to admit it's easier to land on a position than living it out in practice.Here's an interesting article to get us thinking