I Don't Love the Bible

Lately I've had my head down studying and writing like crazy. In January we launch a bible study on Luke chapters 4-8. That's why I've got my head down. I'm writing the bible study guide to go along with the teachings. I'm so excited to get back to teaching God's Word to women.I've always loved studying the Bible. Yes, I've been told I'm a perpetual student. I'm okay with that. The truth is I love studying the Bible because I meet Jesus there. I remember one time, while at my doctoral program, having a preacher tell me he loves the Bible. I restated his wording, "Dont' you mean you love Jesus whom you find in the Bible?"He thought for a long moment then replied, "No, I think I love the Bible."You know when we get to heaven we aren't going to hang with a book we are going to be with a person, JESUS. And that's why we go to the book to be with the Person.It's been a long time since I've had the time to dwell with him like I have over the past several months. And man has he been chatty. He's reminded me of things I had forgotten ... things that set my heart on fire. He's gently challenged me in areas I didn't even know needed challenging. Being with him has reminded me of how much I love him. Over the next few months I'm going to be posting some thoughts I've had while hanging with Jesus in Luke 4-8. Perhaps it will provoke you to want to dive into his Word more...to draw near to the one you love...and have forgotten how much you love him.To study the Bible is important, but it is not a primal evidence that you belong to God. Anyone can study the Bible, but only those who know Him can hear His voice and are taught by Him. Although the barbarian may not be formally trained, she is always God-taught. Jesus expected that those who were followers would hear His voice, know His voice, and follow only His voice, even as He calls us out by name and leads us on the barbarian way. (McManus, 84) 

BlogJackieBible, Jesus, LukeComment