Women of Valor

women of valorWe had devotions every morning before our conference. One morning I spoke on Proverbs 31. I shared the Jewish custom of a husband speaking this poem to their wife at the dinner table (in front of family, friends and children) then afterwards declaring to her, "You are a woman of valor."This was the task I gave to the women at the conference. To look each other in the eye and declare, "You are a woman of valor." I don't think these women ever hear that - and they need to. When I return in November to continue the training I expect to find it common place to hear these women saying to one another, "YOU ARE A WOMAN OF VALOR."Perhaps you should make it common place too!Read more here http://www.jackiealwaysunplugged.com/2012/12/13/insights-from-rachel-held-evans-book-2/