Teens With Guts

This week I spent time with two high school students, Peter and Chandler.Blog peterThey both have raised awareness and money for drilling water wells in South Sudan. Neither have been to Africa. They came this week. And I was shocked at the maturity and care of these two teens. They never complained about the rough accommodations. Like no hot water or the bouncing rides in the back of the car. They enjoyed the hot, sweaty, dusty rides to see wells in the villages. They played with the kids who came to see the Kawajus (white people). They never whined about the food, in fact they loved it. They even ventured out and ate roasted termites. They worked with the Nehemiah secondary school kids to produce their first ever yearbook. Of course they didn’t always work hard they found plenty of time to join in on a soccer game. You should have seen the look on the guys’ faces when Chandler joined in. Guys don’t play soccer with girls! And let me tell you she held her own.blog chandlerThey asked questions. A lot. Which told me they were not only paying attention but processing what they were seeing, hearing and doing. They asked us questions about the people, the place, the circumstances, the wells, and mostly about God. I’ve never been around teens that were so inquisitive about faith. You could see their brains processing the faith they’ve lived under and in and how it connected to what they were experiencing. These teens’ lives are forever changed. And I was privileged to travel with them.So here’s to Peter and Chandler, “You got guts. Keep going big for God.”